The term Corporate Social Responsibility refers to the actions by enterprises to help address environmental and social issues. In particular, enterprises are entities that are inextricably linked to the social set where they operate, affecting and being affected by the circumstances of their era and the location of activity. They must therefore acknowledge their responsibility vis-a-vis society and the environment. In other words, they owe to respect the principles and values that characterize our culture (respect for human beings - human dignity and equal opportunities, respect for the environment we inherited and improvement of living standards and quality of life) (source: Wikipedia)
- European Commission (2006): "Corporate Social Responsibility is an idea of integrating social and environmental concerns into companies' business activities as well as in their contacts with other stakeholders on a voluntary basis."
International Corporate Social Responsibility Conference by Panteion University: “Studies carried out in the European Union and in Greece show that environmental protection is a matter of primary importance in the consciousness of citizens”