Rewarding Pecuniary Incentive
Every year, and especially in 2019, which was a record year, in cooperation with AB Vassilopoulos, very large amounts are being given to support all citizens who choose to recycle in the Integrated Rewarding Recycling Centers. For each (1) returned metal, plastic and glass packaging to the Recycling Cabins, an amount of 0,03€ is offered to citizens. Therefore, in Recycling Cabins, packaging has a value, gaining € 1 with the return of 33 packs.

The 1st worldwide mobile "Center for Environmental Education and Recycling", with the design, ownership and industrial patent belonging to TEXAN, sponsored by AB Vassilopoulos, once again demonstrates its sensitivity vis-a-vis the environment with this new educational initiative. The bus travels across Greece and mainly encourages young children to be informed, to recycle – since an automated recycling machine of plastic and metal packages is available on board the bus and to participate in interactive actions on environmental protection.

Vulnerable Social Groups - ‘Social capital’
Through the Integrated Rewarding Recycling Centers, there is an option, instead of redeeming the money gained for a discount on purchases, citizens may donate it, by pressing the designated button, to a pre-defined ¨social capital¨, which concerns the collection of money for vulnerable social groups, associations and charity associations (such as the ¨Smile of the Child¨).