📣Announcement 📣
Contest extension until Thursday 30/05/2024!
Due to high participation, we inform you that the Big Educational Recycling Competition for Primary & Secondary Education students of Athens Municipality organized by TEXAN in cooperation with the Municipality of Athens, under the auspices of the Ministry of Education, Religious Affairs & Sports is extended until Thursday 30/05/2024.
Within the framework of social and environmental awareness programs, TEXAN in cooperation with the Municipality of Athens, organizes a Big Educational Recycling Competition for Primary & Secondary Education students of Athens Municipality, under the auspices of the Ministry of Education, Religious Affairs & Sports. This initiative aims to raise awareness and encourage active participation of young people, especially students, in the recycling process.
The Big Educational Recycling Competition for Primary & Secondary Schools in the Municipality of Athens is open to students at all schools in the Municipality of Athens where Multi-purpose Recycling Centers operate.
The competition will take place at the Multi-Purpose Recycling Centers which are installed in various sites of the Municipality of Athens and will last until Saturday 25 May, 2024.
Students can return for recycling plastic, metal and glass materials.
Read below the terms of the competition.
Terms of Competition
At the Multi-purpose Recycling Centers located in various sites of the Municipality of Athens.
Recycling Centers of the Municipality of Athens
The Multi-purpose Recycling Centers constitute the most advanced recycling equipment for plastics, metal, glass and paper and you are all invited to recycle and actively participate in environmental protection!
By Saturday 25 May, 2024.
The Big Educational Recycling Competition for Primary & Secondary Schools in the Municipality of Athens is open to students at all schools in the Municipality of Athens where Multi-purpose Recycling Centers operate.
Students of Primary - Secondary Education schools can return for recycling plastic, metal and glass materials to the sites where the Multi-purpose Recycling Centers operate to get part in the Competition.
At the end of the recycling process of all plastic, metal and glass materials, the participation voucher of the Big Educational Recycling Competition for Primary & Secondary Schools of the Municipality of Athens is automatically printed.
The students of the Primary & Secondary Education departments gather, collectively as a school department, the participation vouchers of the Big Educational Recycling Competition of Primary & Secondary Schools of the Municipality of Athens
Each school should deliver, by Tuesday, June 4, 2024, from 9:00 am to 2:00 pm, all vouchers that will have been collected and counted to Athens City Hall (Kotzia Square), after having filled out the required information in order to participate in the competition.
The three (3) schools that will recycle most materials (and thus have the highest participation in the recycling process) will win the three (3) big prizes.
All the terms of the competition have been submitted to a notary.
The three (3) big gifts - prizes of the Big Educational Recycling Competition of Primary & Secondary Schools of the Municipality of Athens are the following:
1st GIFT - PRIZE*, for the school with the highest participation:
One (1) 5-day trip for all students of a class to any city in Europe of their preference.
2nd GIFT–PRIZE**, for the school with the second highest participation:
One (1) 5-day trip for all students of a class to any city of their preference in Greece.
3rd GIFT- PRIZE, for the school with the highest participation:
One (1) Smartwatch for all students of a class.
*If the first (1st) ranking school to have gathered the most materials is a kindergarten or an elementary school, then the 1st GIFT - PRIZE will be: One (1) Electric Bicycle, for all school students.
** If the first (1st) ranking school to have gathered the most materials is a kindergarten or an elementary school 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th grade), then the 2nd GIFT– PRIZE will be: One (1) bicycle for all school students.
Please note that the gifts-prizes are personal and specific and are not exchanged for money.
The nomination of the schools that will win the three (3) big gifts - prizes of the Big Competition in the Municipality of Athens will take place on Friday, June 7, 2024.
For further information, please contact: 210 9751000, 210 9718442, 801 11 11 600 (for calls within Greece, from a landline phone)